Total Number of school sites: |
1 |
Total area: |
33414 Square Meters |
Area of playground: |
11460 Square Meters |
Total no of rooms: |
89 |
No of rest rooms: |
- Differently abled person: 8
- Female rest room: 14
- Male restroom: 14
No of Libraries: |
1 |
No of Labs: |
- Math Lab: 1
- Computer Lab: 1
- Science Lab: 3
Does the school have CCTV installed: |
Yes |
Does school have Swimming Pool: |
Yes |
Lift facility: |
Yes |
Is school Wi-Fi enabled: |
Yes |
Does the school have Indoor games facility: |
Yes |
Does the school have Fire Extinguishers: |
Yes |
No of Activity Rooms: |
12 |
Does the school have Music/Dance facility: |
Yes |
Does the school have an Auditorium: |
Yes |